Sunday, 16 December 2012

My Birthday Blog!

Whooo Hoooo!! It's my birthday today!!! Yahooo!! Bring out the cake!  Light the candles!! Let's get this party started!!

So, it's just after 9 am and I'm still in bed.  I have enjoyed the morning snuggling with my boy and lingering over a delightful breakfast in bed of crepes, nutella, and banana courtesy of my awesome husband. And now I'm sipping on a coffee as I blog about my birthday.  Life is good!

And I know most people over the age of  20 don't shout their birthdays on the roof tops for the world to hear.  As we get older the special day evolves from being a day to celebrate getting a year older to a day to dread getting a year older.  It's all about the age--the number.  And so as the numbers increase, our enthusiasm for the day starts to wane. It becomes a reminder that we are indeed getting older, and now it's official.  It reminds us that our bodies are less flexible, our skin a bit saggier. We become humble, mentioning the occasion to only a few, telling ourselves that we don't expect lavish gifts, or big 'to do's', because, after all, it's just another day.

So here's the deal.  I love birthdays, especially mine.  I tell my friends about the day, I tell my husband how I want to celebrate it.  In fact, I've already posted it on Facebook as a way to celebrate the big event. Am I getting older?  Sure, but I was yesterday too!   We all get a bit older each day, but who cares?  The alternative to not getting older is not being alive, and isn't that the whole point?  Isn't that what we're celebrating?  Being alive? Being born!  And frankly, I'm damn happy to have been born! Thanks Mom and Dad for getting 'busy' all those years ago and making a baby!  Thanks Mom, for giving birth to me!  I'm glad you did it!!

And I guess I see birthdays a bit differently.  Like I said, it's a day to celebrate life.  My life.  And as corny as that sounds, I think that it's very important to celebrate our own lives.  For one thing--they're awfully short in the whole scheme of things, they're precious, and we only get one.  We don't get 'do over's' so we need to be vigilant about making good use of the ones we have.  And given this, birthdays are a great reminder to celebrate not this one particular day, but to celebrate each and every day.  It's a reminder to introduce passion and joy into our spirits and souls and do a proverbial Whoooo Hoooo about our lives and the wonderful people in them!

One other reason I love birthdays is because of the presents.  Anyone who knows me knows, I love presents.  Every year on my birthday I ALWAYS buy myself a birthday present. I actually started my little custom years ago when I was single, but now hit has continued to where it's a fun part of my birthday.  Sure, I get presents from my family and friends, but I always take the time to buy myself one too. And I always make sure to buy something for myself that I wouldn't normally buy.  It has to be fun. Ya, this might sound a bit corny, or a tad materialistic, especially since I'm a bit older--because let's face it--a common belief out there is that presents are for kids. But here's the deal.  I think presents, whether they're birthday, Christmas, or Mother's Day presents are very very important.  They are a symbolic way of telling ourselves and our loved ones that we're important. We're special.  We're worth it.  They're a way of celebrating our loved ones, and showing how much we are valued.  And that, to me, is something that we need to do every single year. When we get into that mode of not buying presents because we're too old, or because Christmas is just for kids, or because we don't need anything--we stop celebrating ourselves and making ourselves 'worth it.'  We stop feeling the joy and excitement for the day and what it really symbolizes--which is a day to rejoice in life itself and the glory of being that wonderful YOU!

And yeah, I never think of my birthday as a day to remind myself that I'm getting older.  It's a day to look back on the past year and reflect on all the good things that have happened, and what I've accomplished.  It's a day to make plans for the next year and add a few new tasks to my bucket list. I'm quite proud of the fact that I wrote my first book this year, and have decided to officially start on a second.  I've had a story rumbling around in my head for some time now, and so this year I will make it a priority to get started on this next book.  I'm happy that I've become a Beachbody coach and am excited to see the results I've gotten from completing the Insanity program, and so this year I will be working hard to incorporate a lot more strength training into my regime to see where that takes me.

 Finally, I see my birthday as a day to feel thankful for all the blessings in my life, for which there are many, like my good health, my amazing family, and my wonderful friends.  I have been blessed in so many ways, and today is a day to take a minute to really savor all the love in my life.

And, so there you have it! That is why I LOVE Birthdays!!

And happy birthday to YOU!!  I know that there are many of you celebrating this month, and so I am sending you Happy Birthday Vibes your way!  May your day and year be filled with love and laughter and good health too!!

Happy Birthday cousin Robin!

Happy 18th Birthday to my good friend Quinn Hardie!

Happy Birthday to my former student Sarah Marten!

Happy Birthday to my good friend Angela Kimball!

Happy Birthday to my former student Alana Rutherford!

Happy Birthday to my good friend Tara Meikle!!

Happy Birthday cousin Kelly!

Happy Birthday cousin Ev!

Happy Birthday to my good friend Jacqueline Bissoon!

Happy Birthday to my former student Joey Dobson!

Happy Birthday to my good friend Laurissa Harkness!

Happy Birthday to my good friend Jesse Van Steelandt!

Happy Birthday to my good friend Jess Brown!

Happy Birthday to my former student Angela Worthman!

Happy Birthday to my good friend Cathy Rookes!

Happy Birthday to my good friend Nicole Gottert!!

Happy Birthday to my good friend Becca's daughter!

Happy Birthday to my good friend Jenn's son!!

Happy 50th Anniversary to my parents, Henry and Isabel Zarn!!!

And Happy Birthday to Jesus!!

If I've forgotten you, send me an email and we'll put your birthday here too!!


Friday, 14 December 2012

Why You Don't Need to Be 'Sporty Spice'

Ok, I'll be the first to admit that I'm not really the "Sporty Spice" kinda girl.  I don't have long graceful arms and legs that seem to fly through the air as I gracefully sprint down the road, or perform push up jacks, or suicide jumps like I was born doing them.

I'm short, and slow, and that's okay. When I'm in the middle of a push up jack or an oblique push up I probably look more like a marshmallow trying to bend itself in half.  I do my best though and I succeed--not because I was gifted a genetically talented set of legs or arms, adept at running quickly, or playing different sports.  I succeed because of one very small and simple fact:

It's all in your head.


Years ago I ran a full marathon.  26.2 miles of sweat and pain and sheer grit.  There were many times I wanted to throw in the towel and hit the nearest Tim Horton's for an extra large double double and a cheese croissant.  However, what kept me going was not my body--it was my mind.  It refused to let my feet stop moving, even when it hurt like the blazes of hell.

In fact, a lot of runners out there will train by running the last few grueling miles of the course first.  They will find the route and practice running it time and time again--feeling strong.  That feeling of power and confidence gets etched in their mind and soul, and come race day--when they hit the last and toughest part of the run, the memory kicks in and their body has a much easier time finding that reserve of energy and strength because it's used to feeling strong when it runs that part of the route.

Cool eh!

Your mind plays an integral part in success--not only in the exercise department, but in life in general.  If you think you can't--well, you can't.  It's as simple as that.  But if you tell yourself that you're strong, and powerful, and really practice feeling that way--pretty  soon your body will start believing it.

So, when you're slugging through month 2 of Insanity, and really hating those moves, why not take a day and fast forward to the end when you're generally feeling pretty bagged out, and do those moves feeling strong and refreshed.  Focus on imagining yourself powering through them, and visualize your body getting stronger with each jump and each squat.  Tell yourself over and over again that you are powerful, you are strong, you are powerful, you are strong.  And then when you actually do the workout, maybe, just maybe your body will remember what you've told it, and you will be able to pump out a few more reps.

And while you're doing that workout, rather than looking at the tv or the DVD player, staring at the timer bar or the cast doing the moves, thinking about how tired you are and how much you want to quit--keep your eyes off the tv and go into your  own mental space where you can draw from your own reserve of power and energy.  Focus on yourself and how strong you are, not on the tv and how much time is left before you get a water break.

Yes, easier said than done, but this stuff takes practice.

You can do it, you know.  You don't have to have long graceful arms and legs.  You don't have to look good in spandex. (I sure don't!)  Focus on the power that you have deep within you, and then get in there and find it!  It is there!!

If you are interested in getting fit and healthy, I want to hear from you!!  Click here to join my team and receive my free ebook, THE PLAN!  Today is the day!!

Saturday, 8 December 2012

Are you sitting at home thinking..."I need help losing weight?"

It's Saturday afternoon, and maybe you're sitting in front of the computer, surfing the internet, searching for the clues to success, the Holy Grail of Happiness. You browse site after site, looking for things that will help you achieve your goals, make you fitter, make you leaner, make you happier.

Because we all know that once you lose that weight, you'll be happy, right?

That's what I thought.

I was convinced I'd enjoy life more, and people would like me better if I was skinnier.

And so today, although I've got a number of things I'd like to blog about, I've decided to blog about happiness.

I saw this picture on a friend's Facebook wall today, and it struck a chord with me.

It's interesting isn't it.  Can you picture the scene? This creative and intelligent boy in school, surrounded by his wrinkled and uptight elders, telling them that they didn't understand life because they didn't get that one of the best goals in life is just to be happy?  

It made me pause, and think.

Are you happy, truly, filled to the brim with joy, right this very minute?  Do you like your 'lot in life'?  Are you who you want to be, and where you want to be?

Good question eh.

And here's the deal, you might be wondering, what the heck does this have to do with health and fitness?

The answer is.....


Why are you working out?  Why do you want to lose weight?

Who do you eat obsessively, or do self-destructive things to your body?

How is getting fit and losing weight going to change your life?  Will it make you happier, or will the sadness, the inner demons, the discontent be waiting there for you, just around the corner?  Will they haunt you and lurk, waiting for your will power and resolve to falter so they can tempt you back into that giant size bag of chips or that extra large cone?

And here's a question, what does it truly take to be happy? Money? Status? Career achievement? Family? Health? Friends?

I ask these questions for a number of reasons. If you're visiting this page because you want to lose weight, that is great!  The Beachbody programs are fantastic, and hey, I'm an awesome coach (just saying), but the first thing that you need to do is to take a very careful look at what is going on inside your heart, in your life, and really think about how happy you are.  And if you're not overly thrilled with where you are at this present moment, of if you haven't had a good belly laugh, or felt pure joy in a very long time, then you need to do some inner reflection and think about why.  What is going on to make you feel the way you do, and then find a way to change things. 

I'll let you in on a little secret, one that I learned a very long time ago, one that changed the way I live my life:


Life is not a dress rehearsal.  We don't get a do-over.  We don't get a repeat.

Today is the day to take the bull by the horns and get out there and truly experience each and every day.  Today is the day to make your 'bucket list' and then set out to accomplish every single thing on that list.  And the things on your list don't have to be biggies.  They can be simple, like volunteering at a local shelter, or running a half-marathon.  Maybe you've always dreamed of learning how to play the ukulele.  The sky is the limit!!  

And once you start rejoicing in the simple pleasure of life, celebrating each and every day that comes along, feeling pure passion about where you are, who you are, and what you're doing--you may just find that the inner demons that have been driving you to head to the cookie bag and the chip bowl, the same ones who tell you that you'll never fit into those skinny jeans--you may just find that they have buggered right off.

I don't know a lot of things, but I do know a few simple truths:

1. Life is short, so celebrate each and every day to its fullest. Don't worry about being proper all the time.  Laugh, joke around, be silly, get your hands dirty.  
2. You CAN get fit and health if you make a commitment to yourself that you are worth the time and energy that it requires to succeed. You are worth it.  And if you really think about what you are putting into your mouth and sweat your ass off on a regular basis, you will see results.
3. Happiness doesn't come in a dollar bill.  It comes in smiles across good meals, holding hands, cuddles on the couch, good belly laughs, and the comfort of good friends and family. 

So, if you need help losing weight, my advice to you, as a Beachbody coach, is to do things to make yourself happy, commit to yourself, and work to success. 

And know, that I am here, cheering you on, each and every step of the way.


Monday, 3 December 2012

Figuring Out Your Caloric Intake For Weight Loss

Ahhh the dreaded "calorie" talk.

We've all heard it, haven't we.  It's almost as bad as the 'birds & the bees' talk we got when we were 12 eh.  Everyone groans when the topic comes up and pretends not to be listening.

We all know food has calories, and that taking in too many will make our asses look like marshmallow's on steroids.  And we all know that we should be keeping track of how many calories we're taking in on a daily basis. However, it just doesn't seem like a lot of fun.

So what should we be doing then?  And what do I think?

Well, here's the deal.  Years ago, when I tried to lose weight by counting calories, I went a bit overboard on the whole calorie restriction thing. I went from counting my calories to severely restricting my calories, to the point where I was only taking in about 1100 calories per day.  Needless to say I had hardly any energy to walk to the bathroom for a pee during the commercial breaks of my favorite tv show, much less do a decent workout.  In essence, I was starving myself, and although I lost weight, it wasn't a long term solution.  Who can keep that kind of nonsense up for any length of time? I sure couldn't.  While I was doing it, I'd give myself one cheat day (and that in itself is a topic for a whole blog post).  During the week when I was 'eating properly' I'd lay in bed at night and fantasize about all the delectable treats I was going to snarf down on my 'fun day.'  Cherry strudel, croissants, fries, chips, chocolate--you name it--I was going to eat it. And when the monumental day would arrive--I would do just that--inhale anything and everything I could get my greasy little fingers on--to the point where I'd eat myself into a sugar induced coma, and go to bed literally hating myself for such self-abuse.

Needless to say, it didn't work.  I couldn't maintain that kind of lifestyle, for one thing.  The cheat day behavior wasn't healthy in the least, and I had next to no energy to workout.

Eventually, however, I did find something that did work, and I'd like to share it with you.

It's called....wait for it....being realistic.

What? Being Realistic? That's it?

Well, let me explain.

If you want to be healthy (and yes, lose weight), you have to be realistic about how you want to live your life. Is starving yourself going to work in the long run? Absolutely not!  So get the notion of extreme calorie restriction out of your head.  It doesn't work, for many reasons.

Also, if you want to achieve long term health and success, you will have to wrap your head around the fact that you are going to have to exercise.  Plain and simple.  There are NO quick fixes here, and if you haven't already, it's time to build an effective workout program into your daily schedule.

So, you need to have enough calories to fuel your body for the day to day functions, and you also will need the energy to get some good workouts in.

When I started the Insanity program I really came to grips with the fact that food is fuel. And if I want that machine of a body I own to run properly, I was going to have to put good quality fuel into it.  And that means not only enough calories, but good quality calories as well.

The Insanity Nutrition Guide uses the Harris Benedict Equation to help you determine how many calories you're going to need each day. And to begin with, we're going to assume that you're working out on a regular basis.

(This is right from the guide.)

Step 1:

For Women:  655 + (4.35 x weight in pounds) + (4.7 x height in inches) - (4.7 x age in years)

For Men: 66 + (6.23 x weight in pounds) + (12.7 x height in inches) - (6.8 x age in years)

Step 2:

Take that number from above and multiply by the level of exercise listed below:

1.2  = Sedentary: Little or no exercise
1.375 = Lightly Active: Light exercise (1 to 3 days/week)
1.55 = Moderately Active: Moderate exercise (3 to 5 days/week)
1.7 = Very Active: Hard exercise (6 to 7 days/week)
1.9 = Extremely Active: Hard daily exercise and/or a physical job

Step 3:

The number that you now have will tell you your calorie needs for weight maintenance. Now, you will adjust this number up or down, depending on your weight loss or gain goals:

See below:

~ For weight loss, subtract 500 calories per day from your number in step 2.
~ For weight maintenance, do nothing, just use the number from step 2.
~ For weight gain, add 250 to 300 calories per day to your number from step 2.

Now that you have figured out your calorie needs, you may see that you are currently either eating too much or too little.  It is also possible for people who want to lose weight to not be eating enough.  It is so easy to fall into the trap of thinking that 'less is better' and do what I did. 1100 calories is way to little to eat--especially since I was also trying to exercise.  As it stands, my caloric intake for weight loss is at about 1800.  I eat considerably more now than I did before, but I also have the energy I require to perform well during my workouts, and I never feel starved.

I also eat breakfast (always plain oatmeal and egg whites), and every 2 1/2 to 3 hours after that.  THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT!!  By eating breakfast and every few hours after that, you are kick starting your metabolism, keeping your blood sugar leveled out, and preventing your body from going into starvation mode (where it holds onto fat because it thinks you are starving it).

So, my friends, the lesson of the day is that YES, you do need to keep track of your calories, but not to starve yourself.  You want to ensure that you are taking in enough calories and enough of the good stuff.

If you haven't already, check out  It's a great website that will help you not only track your calories, but also help you determine if you're eating enough protein/carbs/fat, because, let's face it--your body needs both lean protein and good carbs to function.

Eat well, live well!!


Click here to join my Beachbody team and take advantage of free coaching and unlimited support!! 

Wednesday, 28 November 2012

Staying Motivated to Exercise....It Ain't Easy

So, I was working out the other day, and a thought crossed my mind.  It went a little like this:

Why the HELL am I doing this??

This sucks.  It hurts.  It isn't fun.  I'm not coordinated, or fast, or ...well, you get the point. I'm not sure when the thought hit me...if it was while I was squeezing out a few more plank pushups, or ski abs, or it if was while I was jumping and squatting and punching all at the same time....I'm just not sure--but at some point in the workout it occurred to me--this really isn't a whole lot of fun!

I'm not smiling.  I'm not chatting with friends.  I'm flailing around like a newborn calf, sweating and grunting like a wild boar in heat--and I'm constantly looking at the timer on the screen to see how much longer I have to endure this.

So why on earth do I do this, day in and day out--if it isn't fun?  Isn't working out supposed to be fun?  Aren't we supposed to enjoy it?

Well, here's what I think.

I did finish the workout--as much as I struggled, as much as I hated it, and as much as I cursed 'really bad curse words' at Shaun T.  I did my level best--kept going when it hurt--and by the end of the adventure I was on all fours, heaving like I had just given birth, and feeling quite proud of myself indeed.  In fact, I felt pretty damn good.

I felt like a rock star. Make that a superstar.

And then it hit me--it's not necessarily supposed to be fun!

Maybe it's supposed to hurt, and make us struggle, and make us heave.  Because, when we're heaving, and jumping, and squatting, and punching and swearing--that's when the magic happens!

That is when we start really challenging ourselves, and believing in ourselves.  We prove to ourselves that we actually can do this stuff!  We are athletes after all!

I used to think that only athletes and people who were 'genetically predisposed' to having good bodies were the only ones who could get nice abs and toned arms.  Now I know that I was so so wrong.

I know that if I work--and I mean truly work--haul ass and sweat and struggle--I can achieve what I want. I can be who I want.

And it is because of that I am motivated to do this every day.  I struggle and I see results.

I believe in myself, and I become confident. I become the person I've always wanted to be.  The best version of myself possible.

And can all of that come from an Insanity workout?  Yes.  And the answer is Yes because it's hard.  It challenges you to do work harder than you've ever worked before.  It challenges you to dig deep within yourself and muster up that reserve of strength you never thought you had.  It challenges you to believe in yourself.

And when all is said and done, and you're on all fours, panting like a boar, feeling like he just gave birth--you'll know it's worth it.

To close, take a look at this video I made a while ago about a serious condition that affects many athletes, called OSTS:  You don't want to miss it!!

Dig Deep, my friends!!

Wednesday, 21 November 2012

Is Beachbody Fitness for You?

I think it's pretty safe to say that we all want to be fit and healthy. We want to feel good in our own skin, and we want to enjoy an abundance of energy.

However, finding the Holy Grail of "Holy Crap You Look Good" is easier said than done.  If you take a look around any mall or restaurant you will notice that there are a fair number of people out there who are packing more pounds than they should.

And I get that.  For years I too carried a few extra pounds on my arse and belly.  I got sucked into the world of stress eating, turning to food to comfort me when times were tough.  I convinced myself that I wasn't one of those people, you know, the ones who had ripped abs and toned arms.

Those people were just lucky.

So I continued to eat nacho's on Friday night, ice cream on Saturday, and pizza on Sunday, convinced that I was eating healthy.  I plugged bread and pasta into my mouth on a daily basis, and never thought much of eating boxed food, because it had a green check mark on it.

And yet, between croissants and chips I continually despaired that I couldn't seem to lose the weight! What was I doing wrong? I was eating healthy....most of the time!

Well, here's the deal.  I hadn't gotten to that point where I was being real with myself.  Truly, and utterly REAL.

I let myself believe what I wanted to believe, because it was easier that way.  What? Cut out processed foods and sugar from my diet? Are you kidding me?  Seriously?  Do significantly tough workouts almost daily?  Are you nuts!

I was poking my head up somewhere where it's nice and warm and dark, and wasn't facing the fact that if I truly and seriously did want to get healthy, I was going to have to work for it.

I was going to have to cut some crap, okay a lot of crap from my diet.

I was going to have to do workouts that made me sweat and huff and puff, and do them regularly.

I was going to have to make a commitment to put the effort into this that success required.

For years I had always believed that people with ripped abs and toned bodies were lucky. It was pure genetics. I didn't actually think they worked for it, nor did I believe that it was something that I could accomplish.

But here's the deal.  It is.  Sure, I haven't built my 6 pack yet, but after doing these Beachbody programs I look 100% better than I did before.  My mid-section is slimmer and more toned.  My arms don't look like spaghetti noodles, and my arse isn't bulging out of my jeans like a sausage factory!  I feel better, I'm happier, and way more confident too!

So maybe you're at the point where you're really and truly hating the place you're at right now.  Maybe you're sick of bulging out of your jeans.  Maybe you can't face a mirror another day.  And just maybe you are like I was, convinced that you couldn't possibly handle a Beachbody workout program, because you're just not in shape. Maybe you're convinced that you will never achieve your goals so why bother trying.

Here's the deal.  The answer is yes.  Yes you can handle a Beachbody workout!  Sure, it might be tough, but that doesn't mean you can't do it!  We all struggle at this stuff, but it doesn't mean we don't see results.

And yes, you can cut crap from your diet and survive.  Your body will not crumble into dust if you stop putting brown sugar on your oatmeal and a mountain of cheese on your eggs.  You can do it too.

And yes, once you get real with yourself and make that commitment to yourself to invest in your future, you will see results.  It might take a day or two, or even a month or 2, but it will happen.  Slowly but surely.

Invest in yourself.

You are worth it.

If you are ready to get in the best shape of your life, click here to join my team and receive a free copy of my ebook, THE PLAN!!

Top image courtesy of

Saturday, 10 November 2012

Falling in LOVE with Insanity Training

Well, it's Saturday afternoon and I'm just hanging out, sipping a Shakeology and contemplating life in general.

It's been quite some time since I entered a blog post, shame on me! Now that I've gotten a bit of a handle on this 'coaching' thing, I am now ready to post on a regular basis. I enjoy 'chronicling' my Beachbody journey, and sharing my Insane experiences with you, so it will be fun to start writing more about this adventure.

And what an adventure it has been!!

I am a new woman! Or I feel like it, at least.

Yes, the big wigs at Beachbody-ville knew what they were doing when they named this Insanity.  There is really no other way to describe it.  It's bloody Insane!!  Right from the get go it forces you to push your body to the max with exercises ranging from doing pushups and punches and running--all at the same time!  It makes you question your ability, your will to succeed, and it forces you to dig deep within yourself to unearth a hardened gritty determination that can only be found from doing things like power jumps and suicide drills. It makes you believe in not only yourself, but in your ability to succeed.

And the thing that I find very interesting about this whole experience is just how empowering it can be.  Insanity and P90X are both known for being very tough, especially Insanity, and I think most people generally talk themselves out of even trying simply because of its reputation.  It goes without saying that this program will make you sweat, and so to even contemplate starting it, much less completing it is a feat unto itself.

So, the question begs to be answered, is it really that tough?

I have a few things to say in response to that question.

For one thing, yes, it is physically demanding. The first time I did the workout the warm up itself damn near killed me, and then when I got to the actual workout part, I made the mistake of thinking, well, it's only 20 minutes long!  How hard could that be?  Pretty freaking hard, I'll tell you that much. But what makes it 20 minutes of sheer hell is the fact that A) there are hardly any breaks and B) the exercises are truly unlike any other exercise you may have done in the past.  You are expected to jump high in the air and then flop down and do 32 push-ups, followed with some plank running and ski abs.  And then just when you think you've had enough you get to move down into a squat position and jump back into the air for what seems like 15 minutes but is actually only 30 seconds!  And don't get me started on suicide drills!

So, ya it's tough because you're doing all sorts of things that your body isn't necessarily used to. And don't forget the fact that many of us (including myself) have been lured into thinking that if we go for brisk walk or do some light weights at the gym that we're doing one hell of a workout.  We don't even break a sweat yet we head to Tim Hortons for a chocolate strudel because we've just 'worked out.'  So when we strap on our shoes for a round of Insanity, we are shocked and dismayed at just how physically demanding it is. Sweat? It didn't look like I sweated much when I did my first workout; it looked like I had just gotten out of the shower! AND run 25 miles!

So, yes it's tough, but is it sooo  tough that the average Jo walking down the street can't do it?  Is it too tough? 

No.  Plain and simple, no.  What I think gets people, the general population is that it makes us work.  It makes us question our abilities, and it forces us to recognize that there are no quick fixes here, and in a lot of cases, we're just not used to that. We're used to living in a world where we can take a pill and get skinny in 2 weeks.  We can walk into a clinic with wrinkles, and walk out looking like Jessica Biel. If we want it, we get it--right now. But it doesn't work that way with Insanity.  If we want to look like the guys and gals who have had amazing transformations with Insanity we will have to work, and work damn hard to get them.  There is a reason why the shirt says, "I earned it'.  Because you'll have to. You'll have to commit to showing up every day, doing your best, struggling, and yes hating it.  You'll have to do things that don't necessarily feel great or are a lot of fun.  But if you do commit, you will reap the benefits of having a stronger, leaner body.  You will be fitter, firmer and faster. You will be grateful that you did it.

And what you may be really asking right now is can I do it?  The answer is simple.


Will you be glad you did?


Click here to get started on the Insanity Journey of  a Lifetime!!

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Wednesday, 31 October 2012

Surviving the Insanity Program

Well, my friends, it's been quite the ride.  As you may know, I jumped on the Insanity Train a few weeks ago.  Okay, more like crawled, simply because my jeans were so tight from all the chips and beer that I was pretty sure that if I swung my leg very high I would have ripped the ass out of those tight jeans! But, alas, I made friends with Shaun T and his infamous Insanity Program and I haven't looked back.

So, how has it been, you ask?

The word HELL comes to mind.

But I won't say that, I'm a coach.

Really though, it's tough, yes.  It's a real bugger at times, but nothing that has made me want to quit.  The thing is, I think that we as society have gotten used to the whole Quick Fix Life.  We watch tv and the character's problems are solved in 30 minutes or less.  We go to the movies and that unattainable love is found in under 2 hours, with a side of popcorn and a gallon of pop.  We can now buy roasts that cook in less than the time it takes to set the table, and it is a crime if we actually have to wait more than 30 seconds for our food to arrive at the table when we dine out.

So what?  You're telling me that if I want to get into the best shape of my life that A) I'm going to have to actually work for it, and B) It's going to take longer than 3 days?  I'm not sure I'm up for that!  And don't get me started on being sore!!

The thing is, getting fit and healthy takes work.  It takes commitment, and for those of us who are already down and out because our ass looks like a marshmallow on steroids, it can be hard to stay positive when you want to barf every time you hear the word "suicide drill."  Ski abs?  Are you kidding me?  I could hurl just at the thought of them.  It's easy to get so down about our current shape, that it becomes next to impossible to motivate ourselves to even try.  Maybe we've been trying for years, struggling and floundering, jumping on band wagon after band wagon, trying everything from pills to detox that the idea of trying one more thing is very hard to digest. So when we do finally start, and the workout feels like it was specifically designed to kill you (okay I'm exaggerating....a bit), it's hard to keep going, and push play the next day.  We convince ourselves that we'll never do it, this kind of workout is only for athletes, so why bother.

But, here's the deal.  I've learned a few things over the last few weeks.

1.  Yes, this workout is hard.  There is no getting around it.  But, it also produces amazing results if you stick with it, try your best, and do it on a very regular basis. It works.

2. NO ONE and I mean NO ONE actually does a great job at the workouts the first time they do it.  That's why it's a home workout program.  So others don't have to witness the grunting, the farting, the swearing--it's just not a pretty sight.  I'd be curious to know just how many times Shaun T has been told to F right off in the last few years.  I bet it's a pretty high number.  We all suck at the beginning. We all take breaks, we all struggle with the floor drills, and we all have trouble jumping like Tonya.  HOWEVER, if we stick with it, (and avoid getting hurt), over time we find that slowly but surely we get better.  We don't swear as much, we can work longer before we pretend to need a pee so we can take a break.  Our form is better, and we can actually jump higher than a can of soda.  We get stronger, and more confident.

So, do I recommend this program? Hell YES!  It's tough, but it works.  It will make you question yourself and want to cry.  But if you stick with it, you will see results, and there will be a sadistic part of you that gets hooked on it.

Trust me.

Images courtesy: (David Castillo Dominici)

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Join me as a Beachbody coach!

Sunday, 14 October 2012

Are YOU Ready to Start Your Insanity Program??

Ahh gotta love the Insanity program!! It's seriously one of the most effective cardio workouts out there, and it can be done in the comfort of your own home!!

Check out this video I made to talk about how I REALLY feel about this Insanity business!!

If you're ready to transform your body and get into the best shape of your life, then I want YOU!!

Step 1) Click this link to Join My Team--It's totally FREE!!

Step 2)Click this link to join my Message Board.  Achieve your goals with a group of supportive people and myself!! 


Wednesday, 10 October 2012

Little Jo Enters the World of Beachbody Fitness!

I've joined the revolution!!  

I've joined the fight against obesity, the war against flabby asses, puffy tummies, and saggy boobs!!

Yes, you guessed it, I've entered the world of Beachbody Fitness!!

I have become I Team Beachbody Coach!!  It's a proud proud day!

Why, you say?  What's so great about Beachbody, and achem....what the heck is Beachbody anyway?

Well, I'll tell you.  Beachbody is the mother company for some fantastic products like P90X, Insanity, Turbo Fire, Brazil Butt Lift, and Shakeology, to name a few.  People have had tremendous success transforming their bodies and changing their lives with these ultra-effective workout programs, and I've always wanted to jump on the Beachbody train.

Up until now, Canadians haven't been able to be coaches, so alas, I was SOL if you know what I mean.  I watched from the sidelines as other coaches helped people get healthy, and so on October 1st, when my buddy Greg emailed me to tell me that the doors were now open for good old Canucks to take part, I jumped at the chance.

I've always been a big believer in health and fitness.  To me, being fit and active dictates how the rest of your life plays out, and if you feel like crap on the inside, hate the way you feel, loathe the way you look--life isn't going to be as joyous and fulfilled as it could be.  And let's face it, we only get one time around on this planet, so why not make it a good one, the first time!

As I've discussed before, I've always struggled with my weight, and as I get older, it gets increasingly hard to get it off and keep it off.  I like the fact that I can get do super effective workouts in the comfort of my own home, whenever I want.  Let's face it, life is busy....okay, life is NUTS, so it's important to be able to carve out 45 minutes each day to get a little sweat and bum shake in.

I'll admit it, I am excited about this.  This stuff is like crack and a lot like a cult, seriously.  You get hooked on the way it makes you feel, and you end up wanting to spread the word to just about everyone you see.

I used to think that girls with sexy abs were just born that way.  I used to think they were lucky, and didn't actually have to do anything to get those great bodies.  Now I know I'm wrong, in one way.  Sure they were lucky, but only in the fact that they found a good effective workout program that helped them shape their bodies into what they had.  And now I'm going to do it to.  Yes, it will be hard.  Yes, I will likely utter a few curse words and have the occasional moment when I want to barf, but I will feel better for it, and look better too!!

Be gone flabby ass!!  Be gone puffy tummy!!  Be gone saggy boobs!!!

Click here if you want to join me on this revolution!!!

You won't regret it.  I promise.