Wednesday, 10 October 2012

Little Jo Enters the World of Beachbody Fitness!

I've joined the revolution!!  

I've joined the fight against obesity, the war against flabby asses, puffy tummies, and saggy boobs!!

Yes, you guessed it, I've entered the world of Beachbody Fitness!!

I have become I Team Beachbody Coach!!  It's a proud proud day!

Why, you say?  What's so great about Beachbody, and achem....what the heck is Beachbody anyway?

Well, I'll tell you.  Beachbody is the mother company for some fantastic products like P90X, Insanity, Turbo Fire, Brazil Butt Lift, and Shakeology, to name a few.  People have had tremendous success transforming their bodies and changing their lives with these ultra-effective workout programs, and I've always wanted to jump on the Beachbody train.

Up until now, Canadians haven't been able to be coaches, so alas, I was SOL if you know what I mean.  I watched from the sidelines as other coaches helped people get healthy, and so on October 1st, when my buddy Greg emailed me to tell me that the doors were now open for good old Canucks to take part, I jumped at the chance.

I've always been a big believer in health and fitness.  To me, being fit and active dictates how the rest of your life plays out, and if you feel like crap on the inside, hate the way you feel, loathe the way you look--life isn't going to be as joyous and fulfilled as it could be.  And let's face it, we only get one time around on this planet, so why not make it a good one, the first time!

As I've discussed before, I've always struggled with my weight, and as I get older, it gets increasingly hard to get it off and keep it off.  I like the fact that I can get do super effective workouts in the comfort of my own home, whenever I want.  Let's face it, life is busy....okay, life is NUTS, so it's important to be able to carve out 45 minutes each day to get a little sweat and bum shake in.

I'll admit it, I am excited about this.  This stuff is like crack and a lot like a cult, seriously.  You get hooked on the way it makes you feel, and you end up wanting to spread the word to just about everyone you see.

I used to think that girls with sexy abs were just born that way.  I used to think they were lucky, and didn't actually have to do anything to get those great bodies.  Now I know I'm wrong, in one way.  Sure they were lucky, but only in the fact that they found a good effective workout program that helped them shape their bodies into what they had.  And now I'm going to do it to.  Yes, it will be hard.  Yes, I will likely utter a few curse words and have the occasional moment when I want to barf, but I will feel better for it, and look better too!!

Be gone flabby ass!!  Be gone puffy tummy!!  Be gone saggy boobs!!!

Click here if you want to join me on this revolution!!!

You won't regret it.  I promise.